Addressing Public Comments...

Just The Facts!

There is a lot at stake in this election... more than just food trucks and golf carts. Lori's campaign has always been about the facts and not engaging on attacks. True accounts of these topics discussed across social media and other issues important to the city are published here with full transparency where you get “just the facts”. All I ask is that citizens of Tomball do a little research of both candidates and then please vote. Your vote... Every vote counts.

Leading with transparency...

Here I will address “Hot Topics” being voiced on social apps and questions folks have asked block walking around our neighborhoods.

No one likes rumors. For just the facts, please visit this page during the campaign for links, documents, and my side of the story on important campaign issues and topics.

Endorse Lori for Mayor : Your Support is Appreciated!

Campaign Form

Help us preserve the past while embracing
 the future

Join the “Go To” Campaign Committee

Display a campaign sign at your home? Join us block walking? Encourage voters helping the phone committee? Help us work the polls on election day? Support Lori's campaign for Tomball's Mayor.